Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how collects, uses and protects any information you provide.

I, Ester Bernaldo de Quirós, as responsible of this web site, accept the responsibility of processing the personal information of its users complying with the requirements of the data protection regulation of the EU, which regulates the collection and use of users’ personal data. The privacy of your data is very important to me.

  • I never request any personal information unless it is necessary to provide the service you require.
  • I will never use your personal data with a different intention than the expressed in this privacy policy. has adapted this web site to the requests of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and the implementation regulations of the LOPD approved by the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21st. It also complies with the
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

Information of the person responsible

Ester Bernaldo de Quirós

NIF: 50764368X

Parque de los Olmos, 27

31180 Zizur Mayor, Navarra (Spain)


Data protection principles applied to your personal information

I will apply the following principles to your data processing, which meet the requirements of the GDPR.

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: I will always require your consent for the collection and treatment of your personal data and I will inform you about the reasons why I collect your data with absolute transparency.
  • Purpose limitation: I will only collect your personal information for a specific purpose that you will always be clearly informed about.
  • Data minimization: I will only request your personal data that are strictly necessary to provide the service you require.
  • Accuracy: I will erase or rectify any of your data that is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Storage limitation: your personal information will only be stored as long as it is necessary to fulfill my contractual and tax obligations as a seller and only for the time authorized by the user.
  • Integrity and confidentiality: your data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical measures and encryption methods.

Personal information I collect and why

At I collect certain personal data depending on the products or services you require. In general, these data are the following:

Personal information as part of the buying and selling process

When you purchase something from my store, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address, email address, payment method and details about the product you purchased.

Contact form information

I request your name, company or business name, e-mail, subject and message to be able to answer the user’s questions and requests.

Registered users

If you decide to create an account at, I need your data in order to identify you as user of my web site and give you access of all its functionalities as a registered user. You can cancel your user account at any time by contacting me.

Datos del formulario de suscripción a la newsletter

When you sign up for my mailing list I request your name and e-mail in order to manage my subscriber list and send newsletters and promotions. My newsletter is handled by Mailpoet. I must inform you that the data you provide through the newsletter subscription form are located in Mailpoet servers within the EU. You can review their privacy policy here.

Connection, geolocation and navigation data

These data are used to support and improve the services that this web site provides.


We also collect other anonymous data by collecting cookies that are installed on your device when you browse this site. Visit the Cookies policy page for more information.

Legitimization for treating your data

The legal base that allows me to process your personal data depends on the purpose of the data treatment.

Manage registered users accounts

You give your consent when you create a user account.

Contact form information

I request your name and e-mail to be able to answer your questions and requests.

Personal information as part of the buying and selling process

When you purchase something from my store, as part of the buying and selling process, I collect the personal information you give us such as your name, delivery and billing address, email address, payment method and details about the product you purchased in order to fulfill your order.

Customer service

I consider I have the legitimate right to process your data with the purpose of answering your questions and requests sent through the contact form. When you contact me in relation to an incident in your order, managing your personal data is necessary for fulfilling our buying and selling contract. When your request is related to your rights, about which I inform you below, my legal obligations legitimates me to treat your personal data.

E-mail marketing

When you subscribe to my e-mail list you give your consent to treat your data for marketing and promotional purposes.

Navigation and usability analysis (cookies)

I need your consent to allow cookies for usability and navigation analyses. Your personal data treatment is also beneficial for your because the purpose is offering a better service and user experience.

Who I share your data with

I won’t share your personal information with third parties except for reasons and circumstances such as the followings:

  • Shipping companies. In order to fulfill your order I will share your personal data with trustworthy shipping companies I work with that guarantee their security and protection.
  • Google Analytics. I use Google Analytics to help me understand how my customers use the site
  • Mailpoet, my e-mail marketing provider, treats your data in order to provide e-mail marketing services to
  • Law enforcement. I can collect, use, keep and share your information if I honestly consider it necessary to: (a) answer to a legal procedure; (b) enforce my contracts, conditions and policies; (c) prevent and investigate fraud or other illegal activity or security and technical problems; or (d) protect the rights and security of my customers and other people.

How long I keep your data

Your data won’t be keep longer than strictly necessary. This will depend on the purposes of the data treatment:

  • Manage registered users accounts: I will keep your data until you decide to unsubscribe as registered user. Additionally, users accounts that are inactive for more than 24 months will automatically canceled.
  • Contact form information: I will keep your name and e-mail only as long as necessary to respond to your inquiry.
  • Personal information as part of the buying and selling process: I will keep your data as long as it is required to fulfill your order and comply with my legal and tax obligations. After that, your personal data will be erased.
  • Customers service: I will keep your data as it is needed for answering your questions and requests.
  • Newsletter: I will keep your data until you decide to unsubscribe.

What rights do you have over your data

If you live in certain countries, including the EU, you have some rights in relation with the treatment of your personal information. You have right to:

  • Access and receive a copy of the personal information I have about you. For that, you can contact me as I indicate below.
  • Change or delete your personal information, as well as limit my use of it. Except for some circumstances (as my obligation to keep data for legal reasons), in general I will delete your personal information if you request me to do so.
  • Object and refuse to the treatment of your personal data and to me sending you promotional e-mails after you gave your consent. In these cases, I will delete your personal information unless I have legitimate legal reasons for keep using that information.
  • File a complaint with the local data protection legal authority.

How can you contact me if you have questions about your privacy

You can contact me at Also, you can contact me by mail:

Ester Bernaldo de Quirós

Erreniega Parkea, 54

31180 Zizur Mayor, Navarra (Spain)

Changes on this Privacy Policy

It is possible that the information here will be modified in order to adapt it to the current legislation. In that case, will announce these changes so that you can review them and, if applicable, object and unsubscribe. Either way, I strongly suggest you to review this privacy policy in case there are some minor changes to it.

Information about cookies

I use cookies to facilitate and improve the navigation on this site and know how users interact with it. Please, red my Cookies Policy to know in-depth the cookies I use and their purposes.